The webmaster of this
site, Crazy Fish Designs,
can provide you with a professionally designed web presence for much
less than you think. As an Antiques Dealer, they understand the needs
and wants of Antique Professionals. We are able to set up your site
within a two week period. We supply everything you need. We can register
your domain name, set up your server and customize your site to reflect
you and your business. Or we can just add parts and pieces as you
need them.
Our goal is to make your
site simple, elegant, fast loading and easy to navigate. We can add
a database so you wont hardly ever even need to contact us, saving
you money and time. A data base is a small program written for the
web that allows you to upload, change and delete your inventory, with
out any out side assistance. Data bases start at $800 for a custom
program written for your needs. You may also read helpful information
at our website
We offer free pages to
Antique Related Business, and web help. For more information on single
free pages click here