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Question. The free listings, what is that all about? Answer We would like to become the best place on the net to find anything antique related. We offer FREE listings to any antique related business, in the AntiqueFindIt section. The "For Sale" section is where you can post your merchandise that is for sale. Both sections are up and running and being filled in. AntiqueTimeLine is being worked on. "Wanted to Buy" is where dealers and collectors can post items that they would like to buy. Customers can search it. AntiqueShowFindit section is a calendar of events, Now open.. We encourage dealers to place their own listings. We are also adding Dealers to the database.

Q: I need more information about the free listings section, is there a better section with answers? Answer: Of course! When you enter the free listings section click on the "Help/FAQ button on the left hand side.

Q: When is this site going to be ready? Answer Sooner or later. We are working on it. Our Webmaster is part time. and part mad.

Q: Are you really going to add stupid mail to this section? Answer: Oh yes. You can't believe the mail we get.

Q: What do I need to do to become an AntiqueRoadShow.com Preferred Dealer? Answer: We are looking for a variety of dealers, It will cost nothing per year but we have a VERY special offer., click here to email or click here to see the page with all the information. Full web page on this site and top of the listings in our AntiqueFindit section.

Q: I would like to submit a picture of an item to Whatisit?. How do I do that? Answer: Send an email to our webmaster asking if your item may be used. We encourage strange things to be sent. Please send the picture in JPG format and 256 colors at 72 dpi.

Q: Why doesn't the webmaster answer my email? I asked for an appraisal or for antique shows dates or a list of dealers in my area. Answer: Our webmaster has no knowledge of such information. They are unable to answer such questions, and as we have stated before, we keep him in a cave with only a few crackers and a 40 watt bulb.

We get the weirdest mail

9)Why does your counter on the front page change everytime I come here?

It counts the number of visitors to our site, so if you go to our front page, you add one visit. Pretty tricky eh?

8)I like your web site. Do you know of any good dog related websites?

Well, thanks, and ummm errr ahhhhh

7) Do antique dealers buy stuff too?

I don't even know where to start......

6)Fine choice of color for your textable links..... blue ..fine ,so why on earth is half the pages in blue text that ISN'T linkable...150 per hr ? bite me

Well, perhaps you are right. There is too much blue here. Links are blue AND underlined here to show links. Sorry you could not follow that. I did however change some colors as you suggested. You were partially right. As for the $150 an hour bit, read carefully. The LAST guy said that NOT me. I do this for free. Personally, I like the way it stands out, a bit garish but it works.(note I have snce changed it, he was right)

5) Please look at enclosed picture....It downloads and downloads and downloads....they sent me a 12.8 MB file! Yep, it was a 800x600 1200DPI image in Photoshop format. Please don't send that to the webmaster who tosses them in the trash, and IF you have to, for website related projects, use the JPG format at 72 DPI. A computer screen can NOT show more than that. ANY monitor.

4)"What kind of idiot are you?The picture is in a sub directory of netexas.com. A perfectly valid address, at least for those of us that know what web mastering is all about! Type it in on your browsers address line and see for your self. If you need help with that most basic task.... I am available for $150.00 per hour!If I'm to expensive, ask any 10 year old in your neighborhood!" (note link was http://www.netexas.com/georgev )

Well, first off, we asked for a IMAGE link, not an HTML link. And secondly, the image did not load for us at the time. (later he did apologize)

3) "when are you going to be in our area?"

Uhhh, can you tell us where you are from?

2) "you have a lot of missspelings on you're site"

Looks like you could be our webmaster, who forgets to run the spell checker also!

1) (sent to webmaster) "my kid could do a better job than that stupid webmaster, how did you pick that loser?"

Hummm, maybe you should not have sent that to him....